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上一篇「用 Midjourney AI 從塗鴉生成『喝咖啡的少女』:反編譯指令『/describe』之運用」裡的使用的草圖=塗鴉是比較隨性的,而這次想試試看如果塗鴉是以接近記號的形象呈現時,Midjourney AI(不過這裡用的都是 niji)的「/describe」會有什麼解讀。


長髮的女孩(不過就上次的經驗,AI 根本不管你長髮還短髮)在(地上?),被花朵包圍上方則有雲朵。雖然是塗鴉,但也算是有計算過的。

由於上回發現 AI 會將花朵與雲朵搞混,所以這次更明顯地將花朵記號化,每朵都還特地畫上葉子(雖然我不太希望成品真的變成這個樣子)。至於雲朵,我也不曉得這樣畫能不能確實傳達給 AI,總之也儘量將其畫得比較像記號。


1️⃣ a drawing of a girl sitting in the flowers, in the style of sky-blue, group material, tachisme, patience of a saint, rinpa school –ar 155:219

2️⃣ a drawing of a lady in the middle of flowers, in the style of sky-blue, mono-ha –ar 155:219

3️⃣ drawing a child standing under a flower, in the style of sky-blue, storybook-like –ar 155:219

4️⃣ figure of chibi girl is sat on a lotus flower, in the style of cross-hatching, sky-blue, ghosting effect, group material, pastoral scenes, illustration, sheet film –ar 155:219


但有三種咒文辨識出主體的女孩是坐著的,而第四種咒文不知是怎麼解釋出「chibi girl」的…嚴密地說,第三種咒文也把主體辨識成了「child」,所以是有兩種咒文把主體的女孩辨識成小孩?


1️⃣ the pencil drawing of a young girl who is surrounded by clouds and flowers, in the style of group material, sky-blue, dau-al-set, kanō school, simplified line work, suspended/hanging, animation –ar 155:219

2️⃣ a drawing of an angel with flowers, in the style of booru, patience of a saint, sky-blue, group material, sketch-like, oshare kei, animation –ar 155:219

3️⃣ draw girl with flowers on the ground step 2 3 png, in the style of hanging scroll, sky-blue and silver, storybook-esque, depictions of inclement weather, pastoral, made of vines, slumped/draped –ar 155:219

4️⃣ a picture of a young girl sitting in a field of flowers, in the style of hand-drawn, booru, patience of a saint, suspended/hanging, group material, azure, illustration –ar 155:219


只不過因為塗鴉是用藍色鉛筆畫的關係吧!咒文從一開頭就是「the pencil drawing」,被指定了色彩是「sky-blue」,所以整張圖都變成水藍色。


於是調整了第一種咒文的一小部分,在最前面加上了「今敏(satoshi kon)」並去掉了「the pencil drawing of」敘述,變成「satoshi kon, a young girl who is surrounded by clouds and flowers, in the style of group material, sky-blue, dau-al-set, kanō school, simplified line work, suspended/hanging, animation」。




而我最喜歡的,就是這張坐在這神來一筆般的紅花鞦韆上的長髮女孩。長髮、女孩、坐著、花朵、雲朵的要素全部俱全,然而卻完全超乎原先的想像!不愧是 AI 畫伯!



本名林依俐,1976 年生地球人。看似任性又狂妄的現實主義者,但是本人卻只覺得自己是獅子座O型長女的典型。原本順便經營出版社並包攬一切雜用,最近則因為心累暫時呈現半退休狀態。
